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"The background is from the '79 Soviet flick Stalker. Which, despite being 3 hours long, and admittedly slow, is easily the greatest movie ever. The picture's just cool, though I can't take credit for it.
And while the desktop itself might be admirably spotless, except for those few drives, it in no way mirrors the chaos of my old computer's (PC) desktop. I expect this one to become just as ridiculous in a few weeks."

"Work computer. Thats the delivery truck with some of the great imagery we use with our new company, Nika. Its an amazing company with an amazing cause. We are a 100% non-profit bottled water company, donating all of our profits to water crisis and poverty alleviation efforts in Africa, Asia, Mexico and elsewhere. We are also the most eco-friendly bottled water company on the planet and the only bottled water company certified carbon neutral by the Carbon Fund. Its also super tasty! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and NikaWater.org." JM -San Diego, CA

"Home computer. Thats the Ben Franklin Bridge connecting South Jersey to Philly. The view is from the Philly side right near my buddy's apt. where I spent most of my time on that side of the water. You can also see the edge of the Susquehana Bank Center (Tweeter Center for you old schoolers... E Center for you real way-back kids) in the bottom right corner where many great times were had. I recently moved out to San Diego, so this is the image that most reminds me of where I'm from and who I am-right between those 2 places." JM -San Diego, CA

"My desktop pic on my computer which is a home and work combo (because I am self employed) is a pic of the range of cupcakes that my business sells. I have just started a business called ilovecupcakes and my partner and I have big aspirations of making the cupcake the next big thing in Israel. So this pic just serves as added motivation each morning and I am hoping that the more I look at the cupcakes and the more we bake and taste, the less I am going to want to eat these little beauty's. I hope..."
HR, Tel Aviv

"My desktop at home is clean and simple. My work desktop (pictured) has a lot of unused icons, word files spread wantonly upon't, and more stuff in the task tray than I know what to do with. I balance it out by having two little kittens in a barrel as my background. Whenever my day gets too intense, I can look in little Phillipp's eyes and my anger will recede like an ocean."
JR - Thrashville, TN

"As noted, this is my work pc. I work at a non-profit in Brooklyn, NY.
I love sci-fi and all that it embodies- the what if's always surrounding the human condition. This wallpaper is by Gilles Nuytens, is a mix of a few different sci fi shows, it reminds me of all the the possibilities..."
PdP, Brooklyn, NY

"A picture of my dad and I taken when I was 4. He's taught me everything I'll ever need to know in life, including engine repair. I've always looked up to him, except between the ages of 12 - 21 when I was a dickhead and an idiot. This is the desktop for my home computer, and it gives me more motivation to study." JW, NYC, USA

"i have a weird obsessive/compulsive desire to name all of my coveted electronic appliances (only the ones i use frequently, i'm definitely not naming wall sockets and dvd players). so this is my laptop, ophelia. i've gone through 3 laptops in 3 years and they've all had slow and painful deaths - tragic coke spill by my little sister for sparky, viral infection and subsequent comatose state for rosie the riveter - so i felt like this laptop needed to be treated more delicately and thus needed an appropriately more delicate, ultra-feminine name to remind me to take better care of it. HENCE! ophelia. this desktop picture is my absolute favorite vargas pin-up, and it definitely exemplifies ophelia's delicate, sexy charm. :)" ST, NYC, USA

"This is from my personal laptop. It's a picture I took of the Moon Valley in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The image doesn't really inspire me at all, but I keep it solely because I love the smug satisfaction I get when I tell people that I took it myself and that it's not a stock photo, of course!" AT, NJ, USA

"My desktop is basically a to do list. I think ideally it would just have a trashcan on it, although so far that's never happened. I don't understand why it's actually called a recycle bin either. It doesn't recycle anything. Hmm, what does that say about me? The photo is of Bryce Canyon National Park. It's from last winter break and reminds me of Ben. Oh, and it's a home computer. Woo!" TS, USA
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