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"My desktop is basically a to do list. I think ideally it would just have a trashcan on it, although so far that's never happened. I don't understand why it's actually called a recycle bin either. It doesn't recycle anything. Hmm, what does that say about me? The photo is of Bryce Canyon National Park. It's from last winter break and reminds me of Ben. Oh, and it's a home computer. Woo!" TS, USA

"dfgfdgdfgdf" PK, CT, USA

"my location is san francisco and this desktop was selected the day after the greatest event of the last decade or so and this seems to very adequately sum up the way most of the people I know feel." BS, SF, USA

"This is actually paper that I discovered in India for my wedding stationery. When I scanned it I thought it would make a serene desktop, and it is very relaxing sometimes. Other times it just stresses me out." CA, CT, USA

"this is my super exasperated ego.....sometimes when i come home and kurt has left too many dishes in the sink ; )" YW, CT, USA

"The background image is a drawing of the Hostalets Youth Center by the late Enric Miralles. It's one of my favorite projects, done by my favorite architect. It serves as a daily reminder of why I chose this profession." JB, CT, USA

"This is my home desktop. I happened to have liked one of the default Windows Vista desktops when I got my fancy new Dell computer, so I kept it. Simple, clean. I may change it one day, but for now, it works." MR, CT, USA

"Here is my current desktop. My laptop died and Zach H. very very kindly lent me his old one. I think this picture was taken from his plane while he was flying through the fabric of time much like in the 1995 made for TV movie (and 1980 book by the same same name) The Langoliers by Stephen King." RW, CT, USA

"So here you go: my home desktop, clean and super-boring." DC, CT, USA


""This is my Thinkpad (PC) laptop desktop. I try to keep it as simple as possible, but often I get lazy and start adding folders, like the ones on the lower left. The black background not only matches the casing of the computer, but also provides for contrast between any application that is open, as very few programs use all black backgrounds. This desktop thing is way too revealing." CC, USA

"this is my work computer screenshot-- the idea was to create a personal escape during the workday, except for i think its backfiring cause whenever i look at it i wish i was on vacation instead :)" AG, NYC, USA


"This is my work desktop. There are two screens, hence the double diptych. Its a giant painting that is in my livingroom, and it makes me think of my home, which makes me very happy." LS, USA

"My personal laptop- I took this picture when I was studying abroad in Russia, and it's always the place I would most rather be if I were not where I am at the time." AT, NJ


"This desktop was developed on an optimistic day a few years ago as a way of organizing my computer. Most of those folders and documents remain completely empty, and for the ones that are full, it's been months if not years since I've opened them. They're all out of order now, too, since when I'm bored I tend to drag them around without paying much attention. My desktop's saving grace is its flower background, though. Whenever people borrow my computer, they comment on how beautiful the photo is. Not surprisingly, it wasn't me, but a friend who took it and put it there. Tomorrow I'm finally going to reorganize it and fix the whole thing." AT, SF, USA

"So the image on my desktop is part of an experiment of my own. I take a camera, break the lens, and take pictures. This is one of those pictures." DC, USA

"mon desktop" RZ, USA

"I'm just a mild mannered, bleeding heart Democrat, who wants to work hand-in-hand with my fellow Americans to build a stronger country. I think this economic downturn is historic, but I believe we can overcome it by working together. We have to have hope, we all have to sacrifice, we have to accept one another, we have to love one another." MS, OR


"This is the desktop of my laptop. The cute baby is my lovely 1-year old niece." ND, Bulgaria